Rituals Beauty & Wellness


Plasma fibroblast?

Plasma fibroblast treatment is a skin tightening procedure that is non-invasive, focusing on the top layer of skin. It can reduce fine lines, sagging skin, and other facial imperfections like acne scars, sun spots, and stretch marks. Plasma fibroblast is the only treatment that uses plasma to reduce the excess volume of skin. The device uses an electrical charge which reacts with the carbon dioxide gases that our skin emits. It creates a “dot” on the skin referred to as a carbon crust. The tissues retract and instantly tighten a targeted area. The dots will last about a week, depending on aftercare, and then start to fall off. Fresh, tight skin will appear. Although there are instant results, the skin will continue to tighten over the next 12 weeks.

Nicole Heuschkel



On the treatment day, it is recommended that no make-up is worn on the treatment area. You may take an anti-histamine 30 minutes prior to your appointment to help with swelling and may continue to take anti-histamines for 2-3 days following your appointment. A numbing agent is applied and left to take effect for up to 60 minutes. When the treatment area is sufficiently numb, the session begins with multiple connections of the fibroblast tip, spaced closely together. Treatment time is usually between 10-40 minutes, depending on the size of the area. Immediately after treatment the area may be red and mildly swollen with small carbon crusts (spots). You may experience a sensation similar to a sun burn which will likely last a few hours. Swelling may happen over the following few hours and more so when eyes are treated and may last 2-3 days. The carbon crusts will lift within a week give or take depending on the individual and area treated. Results gradually improve over the course of the following 10-12 weeks. Following treatment you will be given thorough aftercare instructions to ensure that you see the best results. In the week following treatment (or until the treatment area has fully healed) an exfoliating wash or cleanser should not be used. Instead opt for a pH balanced soap (dove), and avoid rubbing the area.